City Council Meeting

Monday, July 15, 2024 | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Council Room
2116 Stallings Street
Covington, Georgia

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MONDAY, JULY 15, 2024
6:30 PM
Expected Attendants - Mayor Fleeta Baggett, Mayor Pro-tem Susie Keck, Council members: Anthony Henderson, Kimberly Johnson, Travis Moore, Charika Davis, and Jared Rutberg, City Manager Tres Thomas, Deputy City Manager John King, City Clerk Audra M. Gutierrez, Deputy Clerk Amanda Huggins, and City Attorney Frank Turner, Jr.
1. Call to order, invocation, and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
2. Discussion of the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting held on July 15, 2024.
3. Discussion of changes to the agenda.
4a. Mayor’s signature of the MEAG Power Projects 2023 Year-End Settlement Election form, ex post facto.
5. Public hearing and consideration of a city initiated rezoning petition for seven (7) parcels along Tate Street, Elizabeth Street and Newton Drive from NR2 (Neighborhood Residential 1 District) to NM (Neighborhood Mixed-Use District) in order to align with the use of the properties, primarily additional parking for the hospital and neighboring medical offices. These addresses/parcels include: 4137 Newton Dr./C008000030006000, 4145 Newton Dr./C008000030005000, 4149 Newton Dr./ C008000030004000, 4253 N Elizabeth St./ C008000030002000, 4175 Newton Dr./ C008000020011000, 5104 Tate St./ C008000020003000, and 4195 Newton Dr./ C008000020008000.
6. Discussion of initiation of a text amendment to Section 16.16.020, Permitted Use table, to consider adding the use of motor vehicle sales to the M2 (Heavy Industrial) zoning district.
7. Discussion of initiation of a text amendment to Section 16.04.050, Relationship to the Comprehensive Plan.
8. Discussion of proposals for the City Pond Road at Williams Road Phase One Project.
9. Public Comments.
10. Comments from the City Manager.
11 Comments from the Mayor and Council.
12. Adjourn.
ADA Compliance: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities are required to contact the City Clerk at 770-385-2010 promptly to allow the City to make reasonable accommodations for those persons.

2024 Event Calendar