Historic Downtown Entertainment District Open Container

Open containers within the Historic Downtown Entertainment District must be purchased and carried in approved open containers within the district.


Open Container Rules


  • DAYS & TIMES: Monday through Saturdays, NOT ALLOWED ON SUNDAYS


  • Open container drinks will be allowed in public area including sidewalks and crosswalks. Open containers will NOT be allowed in the Square Park area per the decision of the Newton County Board of Commissioners. Thank you for your cooperation on keeping this are clear of open containers.


  • Only adult beverages purchased from a business within the downtown consumption district are allowed. No adult beverages bought outside of the Historic Entertainment District nor coolers containing adult beverages are allowed.


  • Adult beverages purchased from an HED establishment must be carried in the approved cup/cup with sticker. You may not carry more than one cup at a time.


  • Adult beverages and cups must be disposed of prior to leaving the boundaries of the Historic Entertainment District. 


The term "Covington Historic Downtown Entertainment District" shall be defined as: all that area of public space, streets, sidewalks, open areas, and all parcels and tracts of real property in the area of the city bound as follows: on the north by Usher Street, on the south by Conyers Street, on the east by Elm Street, and on the west by Brown Street. Select below map to enlarge.