Where are we going?
A comprehensive plan serves as a decision-making guide for local government officials and community leaders. Based on input from the public and a steering committee, the plan identifies needs and opportunities, goals and policies, land use practices, and an implementation framework for key elements.

Input meeting attendees indicated that Covington has a strong sense of community, citizen involvement, and level of commitment among stakeholders; “people” and “small-town chemistry” were listed as strengths.
The Process
The comprehensive plan process follows the rules of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA), Minimum Standards and Procedures for Local Comprehensive Planning, effective 3/1/2014.
Public Involvement: Public Input & Steering Committee
The planning process began with a public hearing, and was followed by a series of community input sessions during which the public and a local steering committee were invited to discuss local trends and aspirations. An online questionnaire provided additional feedback opportunities, as did the availability of steering committee members to take questions and comments throughout the process (as presented at the first public hearing). A final public hearing was held before submittal of the plan to the DCA for review.
NEGRC’s Role
The Northeast Georgia Regional Commission’s (NEGRC) Planning & Government Services Division oversaw the development of this plan, including facilitating public and steering committee meetings.
Community Work Program

The Short-Term Work Program (2018-2022), updated every five years, provides a list of specific activities that the community plans to address as immediate priorities. Download the Full Comprehensive Plan to learn more.