Covington Municipal Court

The Covington Municipal Court provides a local forum for the resolution of minor traffic infractions, some misdemeanors, parking citations and city ordinance violations issued within the city limits of Covington.

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Phone: 770-385-2141 Fax: 770-385-2198

The Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the city government. Municipal Court Judge M. Qader A. Baig, appointed by the Covington City Council, oversees the Court’s operations. Kellie Key is the Court Clerk.


Probation cases are handled by CSRA Probation Services.  If you are currently on probation, you may contact them at 678-625-0055.

CSRA Probation Services is located at 2147 Pace Street, Covington, GA (Morgan Plaza).


March 5

March 12

March 26



April 9

April 16

April 30


Most dates have 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.* sessions with other scheduled times during those sessions.

  • *We have a Spanish interpreter most court dates at 1 p.m.  If you need an Spanish interpreter for your case, you may appear at 1 p.m.  You may have someone contact the court on your behalf if you have any questions.
  • *Contamos con un interprete para Español a la 1 p.m. casi todos los dias de corte. Si necesita un interprete en Español para su caso, puede venir a la 1 p.m. Puede solicitar que otra persona llame en representacion suya si tiene cualquier duda o pregunta.


Court sessions will be streamed live on YouTube.  Click here to access the live-stream:

*In case of inclement weather conditions, please check WSBTV Channel 2 for delays or cancellations of court.*



If a court appearance is not required, you may pay your citation before court.


You can pay in person at the Municipal Court located at 2116 Stallings Street NW, Covington, Georgia with cash, money order(s) or a cashier’s check (bank only) made payable to the City of Covington. Please write your citation number on your money order or cashier’s check.
You may also mail payment to:
Covington Municipal Court
2116 Stallings Street NW
Covington, GA 30014

Payments can be made by credit card (American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover) online or in person.  There is a convenience fee when paying with a card.

You may pay your citation online by following the link below:
Payments may also be made over the phone by calling 470-336-3605.

There is a convenience fee for all credit / debit card payments.   At this time credit cards can only be accepted in our office by the individual whose name appears on the credit card. We will not accept credit cards from family members unless they are present.

Payments must be received on or before your court appearance date. If you do not pay your fine by this date, the Court will assess additional fees. If you have failed to appear for your case, your driver’s license may be suspended through the Georgia Department of Drivers Services and / or a warrant will be issued for your arrest.



Any attorney representing a defendant in this Court must first file an Entry of Appearance prior to the scheduled court date and time with the Clerk's office either in person, by fax or mail. The Clerk's office will also accept an Entry of Appearance via email as a PDF attachment to the email

In areas of conflict, the Court requests notice at least 14 days prior to the scheduled court date and time. In the case of a trial, notice of conflict is to be filed as soon as possible before trial date.


*There is a Spanish interpreter at the 1 p.m. session on most court days, you may come in at 1 p.m. if you need a Spanish interpreter.

*Hay un intérprete de español en la sesión de la 1:00 p. m. la mayoría de los días de la corte; puede venir a la 1:00 p. m. si necesita un intérprete de español.



  • Newton County Jail: 678-625-1400
  • Newton County Superior Court: 770-784-2035
  • Newton County Probate Court: 770-784-2045
  • Newton County District Attorney: 770-784-2070

How to Reach the Courts

Statue of Themis Goddess of Justice

The Covington Municipal Court is located at:

Covington Municipal Court/Court Services
2116 Stallings Street NW
Covington, Georgia 30014
and can be reached during office hours at
770-385-2141 or you can email
***Attorneys of Record: Please See Below***
To request a disposition for a case, please submit a 
Municipal Open Records Request by email or fax (770) 385-2198.



Select the button above to pay your citation/ticket online.