Commercial Sanitation

The City of Covington has awarded Waste Management (WM) the commercial franchise for the City. With this partnership, our City will continue to make solid waste removal a priority. Effective September 1, 2024, Waste Management will be responsible for managing all commercial customer calls and bill customers directly.

Please note that the following changes to the city's waste collection services will go into effect beginning Sunday, September 1, 2024.

*Per City Code of Ordinances Section 8.04.070*


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Commercial Sanitation Regulations

  • The rate for commercial service will be set by WM and billed according to the amount of service received; services include garbage and recycle dumpster service, compactors, and roll-off containers.


  • Orders for dumpsters and roll-off containers for commercial properties must be placed through WM; customers can call (404) 794-6707 or visit Customers can also email Please include business name, address, contact information including phone number and service request.


  • WM will only collect waste that is inside each container. It is the responsibility of the business to place the material inside the container. If waste, cardboard, etc. is piled around the container, a penalty will be charged. It is suggested that customers increase the size of their container or increase the number of collections per week. Customers can call (404) 794-6707 or visit to order an additional container or request more collections. Customers can also email for requests.


  • All containers, for health and sanitary reasons shall have closed lids at all times except when loading or unloading.


  • Please visit Waste Management's website for a list of commercial sanitation services and fees. or call 404-794-6707.


  • Waste Management will only collect waste, cardboard, etc. that is inside the container. It is the responsibility of the business to place the material inside the container. If waste, cardboard, etc. is piled around the container it is suggested the customer increase the size of the container or increase the number of collections per week. There will be additional charges and documentation of each incident.



  • If the container is blocked and the driver cannot access the container for collection, there will be an additional charge to return to site.


Construction Roll-off Containers

Waste Management will have exclusive rights to offer compactor and roll-off container service directly to customers within the City limits. These services can be set up by contacting WM at 404-794-6707 or visit

Waste Management: Create Profile & How to Read Invoice

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