
The City of Covington provides a 95-gallon container to each residential unit served. Each container is numbered and assigned to a specific address. Sanitation services are provided for all residents within the city limits of Covington.


All residents of the city, whether residing in an apartment or a single-unit home, and all establishments (including for profit or nonprofit and charitable) with a location of any type within the city shall utilize the city's sanitation services, as provided by the city or its contractor.*

*Per City Code of Ordinances Section 8.04.090, Section A


Select the above image to learn about bulk waste pickup.




Curbside service is provided for $25.00 per month and is included on your monthly utility bill. Senior citizens, aged 65 an over, pay $16.50 per month for sanitation services. Extra trash cans can be leased for an additional $8.00 per month. Your container should be placed at the curb no later than 6:00 a.m. on the day of your rollout service and removed by midnight that same day. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CONTAINER AT THE CURBSIDE ALL WEEK. You may not use any container for household garbage other than the one provided for you by the City of Covington. Other containers left at the curb are considered trash, and may be picked up and disposed of. All household garbage placed for collection must be placed inside of roll carts.


Recyclables are picked up on Wednesdays and Fridays according to this schedule. A recycle bin is provided to each resident. Items collected include plastic, aluminum and tin cans, newspapers and magazines.



Yard Waste Collection

Select here for map and list of streets of yard waste pickups by day. Only plant material may be placed for collection by the city’s collection trucks. No other trash, garbage or refuse of any kind may be incorporated into yard waste put out for collection. Please see the list below for yard waste reminders:
  • We will collect up to six cubic yards of yard debris per week (the equivalent size of a pickup truck bed).
  • We do not collect debris from the removal of trees over five inches in diameter. It is the responsibility of the property owner or resident to dispose of waste from tree removal.
  • Yard debris should be in one centrally located single pile, not several smaller piles.
  • Please do not place debris in plastic or non-biodegradable bags.
  • Please ensure there are no foreign objects or materials in debris piles.


Fee for Large Loads

The garbage and collection fees for the City include services for usual and normal disposal of leaves, fallen branches, and shrub trimmings placed at the right of way for pick up. The fees do not cover cost for pick up and disposal of large amounts of yard waste from tree and shrub removal. (Over 6 cubic yards per week)

Residents or property owners desiring City pick up and disposal of larger amounts of trimmings, brush or limbs can call 770-385-2000 for a pick up cost prior to placing such wastes at the street. The minimum fee for excessive yard debris removal is $50.

Rules for Bulk Waste 

  • Two items per week
  • Includes televisions, some appliances, furniture, computers, etc.
  • Does not include refrigerators/freezers UNLESS doors are removed and refrigerants are removed from appliances and tagged for verification, construction or remodeling debris like wood, carpets, toilets, sheetrock, etc. Also does not include bags of household garbage that do not fit in the trash receptacle.
There are two Recycling Centers near the city limits of Covington:
  • Piper Rd. / Hwy. 36 Center at 10545 Hwy. 36
  • Bypass / Flat Shoals Rd. Center at 11575 Covington Bypass Rd.
Neighborhood Recycling Centers are not equipped to handle large volumes of waste materials from one source. One level truck load (2 cubic yards) or a small trailer of an equal amount of bulk or yard waste per household per week is acceptable. Large truck loads and multi-loads of bulk waste will not be accepted and should be taken directly to the landfill. The charge is $35.00 / Ton. When transporting garbage, refuse, or any cargo, use containers, tarpaulins or other devices that would effectively prevent materials from spilling or blowing from the vehicle onto county roads and right-of ways. "COVER YOUR LOADS FOR CLEANER ROADS" Littering fines are up to $1200.00.

It is unlawful to dump garbage, recyclables or refuse of any type at the gate of any Center when it is closed. It is unlawful to dump in any dumpster located within the Covington City limits.

Commercial and industrial service is also available. For commercial rates, select here. To inquire about a dumpster or a roll-off container, please call 770-385-2000.
If you reside within the Covington city limits and your street is not listed, please contact Customer Service at 770-385-2000.



The only times your garbage pickup day is affected for holidays are:

*The Week of Thanksgiving: If your pickup is M-W, it will be picked up as usual. If your normal pickup day is Thursday, it will be retrieved on Friday. If your normal pick up is on Friday, leave garbage out by 6:00 a.m. on Friday. However, please allow at least 36 hours for pick up.


*The Week Of Christmas: Depending on the day Christmas falls on, will affect the push back of the pick up day. 

2025: Christmas is on a Thursday

If your normal pick up day is:

  • Monday: Garbage will be picked up Monday
  • Tuesday: Garbage will be picked up Tuesday
  • Wednesday: Garbage will be picked up Wednesday
  • Thursday: Garbage will be picked up Friday. Please have cans out by 6 a.m.*
  • Friday: Garbage will be pick up on Friday. Please have cans out by 6 a.m.*


Sanitation FAQ & Important Reminders




Recycle Glass & Cardboard

Sanitation Pick Up Map

Click image below to enlarge.

Helpful Guidelines for
Yard Debris Pickup


Click image to enlarge