Covington City Council Adopts Mask Resolution
August 31, 2020
Covington City Council Adopts Mask Resoultion
Effective Tuesday, September 1, 2020 individuals will be required to wear a face covering at City properties. While face coverings aren’t mandated on private property, Council members are encouraging businesses to institute the mandatory mask resolution.
“We have been proactive since day-one of the pandemic to ensure the safety of our community and this is another step,” said City Manager Scott Andrews. “Wearing a face covering will be a tremendous step in getting us back to the way of life we enjoyed prior to COVID-19.”
Masks are not required to be medical grade, so long as they cover the nose and mouth. Bandanas, scarves and other similar fabrics are allowed.
Businesses within city limits may indicate that they require masks on their property by posting a notice at each entrance accessible to the public. Masks are not required while eating or drinking, or if socially distanced at least six feet apart.
The Covington Police Department will enforce the ordinance on all public property and any private property that chooses to require masks. Any individual who fails to be in compliance with this order is subject to a $50 fine.
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