Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) Board Public Hearing

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Council Room
2116 Stallings Street
Covington, Georgia

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Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 @ 6 PM
City Hall Council Chambers, 2116 Stallings Street, Covington, GA
1. Call to Order
2. Opening Remarks/ Roll Call
3. Discussion and Approval of the August 2nd, 2023 minutes (no hearing held September)
4. New Business:
A. COA# - PMOD23-0011- Home additions
Request: Addition and home renovations to include:
• Detached garage addition
• Adjustment of primary rear structure’s roof line
• Fence addition
• Exterior renovations to apartment (stairs & doors), balcony(removal) and porch extension and removal of three trees for project.
Location: 3140 Academy Springs Cir.
TMP#: C018 0001 001
Owner/Applicant: Nick & Michelle Snyder
B. COA# - PMAJ23-0006
Request: Demo existing structures on site (warehouse, block shop, metal shed,
Parking area) and replace with a proposed 3-story, climate-controlled, self-storage.
Location: 4112 Guinn St.
TMP#: C024 0007 002
Owner/Applicant: Kent Campbell dba Campbell Lumber Company
C. COA# - PMAJ23-0012 – Vera Architectural Plan
Request: Approval and placement of architectural house design/plan, per submitted and requested lot matrix, for build out completion of the Dorchester Place Subdivision.
Location: Individual Lots as Presented on Lot Matrix
TMP#: Various
Owner: Q. Dorchester Holdings, LLC c/o Quintasen Property Development, LLC.
Applicant: Jason Gillis w/ Rivermoore Partners, LLC
D. COA# - PMAJ23-0013 - Waterbrook Architectural Plan
Request: Approval and placement of architectural house design/plan, per submitted and requested lot matrix, for build out completion of the Dorchester Place Subdivision.
Location: Individual Lots as Presented on Lot Matrix
TMP#: Various
Owner: Q. Dorchester Holdings, LLC c/o Quintasen Property Development, LLC.
Applicant: Jason Gillis w/ Rivermoore Partners, LLC
E. COA# - PMAJ23-0007
Request: Major reconstruction to allow for a facility large enough to serve the substantially growing congregation, which would include below:
• Demo existing, original structure in order to reconstruct a church building to the same architectural historical standards and design of the original sanctuary as well as
• Meet the historic districts required historic guidelines.
Location: 1139 Usher St.
TMP#: C020 0014 004
Owner: First Baptist Church
Applicant: Brandon Bowen
5. Board/Staff Discussion
6. Adjournment

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