Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) Board: Special Called Meeting

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Council Room
2116 Stallings Street
Covington, Georgia

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Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 @ 6 PM
City Hall Council Chambers, 2116 Stallings Street, Covington, GA
1. Call to Order
2.Opening Remarks/ Roll Call
3.Discussion and Approval of the February 7th, 2024 minutes.
4.Old Business - None
5.New Business
A.COA# - PMOD24-0002
Request: Approval of the new, unauthorized renovations as listed below
•Raised back gabled Ell 4 feet at rear and 8 feet a front of Ell to accommodate the headroom needed to access the second floor
•Second floor attic now consists of 2 bedrooms, laundry room , full bath and existing family room
•Square footage of the house increased from 1,292 to 2,015. An approximate 723 sf.
•Front porch steps were widened from 4 feet to 8 feet using 6x6 posts and secured with concrete
•Porch’s 4x4 posts were replaced with 10 feet wide columns
•Railing was replaced and pickets were added to make railing height 36 inches
•Replaced rear deck with a 10x14 wood deck with railings, 2x2 pickets at a finished height of 42 inches with 2 stairs. Deck footings include 3 6x6 posts, submerged 24 inches into ground secured by poured concrete
•The 483 square foot garage has been framed out to include a bathroom, bedroom and living room. Items approved with conditions at the January 5th, 2022 HPC
•Replace all windows with wood windows in either 2 over 2, 6 over 6 or 9 over 9 patterns (No use of glass block windows)
•Remove rear porch
•Replace front door with more modern design adding sidelights
•Replace siding maintaining the drop profile with lap siding
Location: 5191 Emory St. NW TMP# C023 0004 002
Owner/Applicant: UAC Remodeling, Inc.
B.COA# - PMAJ23-0026, PMAJ23-0027, PMAJ23-0028, PMAJ23-0029, PMAJ23-0030, PMAJ23-0031 & PMAJ23-0032
Request: Proposed architectural plan, The Cadwell, to be built on
Lot #s 1, 5, 9, 23, 27, 31 & 44 within the Dorchester Place Community
Locations: 5150, 5174, 5196, 5372, 5394, 5389 & 5309 King St.
TMP#s: #C011A 001, #C011A 005 , #C011A 009, #C011A 023 & #C011A 027 ,
#C011A 031 & #C011A 044&
Owner/Applicant: Q Dorchester Holdings, LLC / Rivermoore Partners, LLC
C. COA# - PMAJ23-0034, PMAJ23-0035, PMAJ23-0081, PMAJ23-0022, PMAJ23-0037, PMAJ23-0038 & PMAJ23-0039.
Request: Proposed architectural plan, The Dustin, to be built on Lot #s 13, 19, 24, 28, 35, 43, 49 within the Dorchester Place Community
Locations: 5212, 5342, 5378, 5371, 5313, 5277 King St., & 4113 Pemberton Dr.
TMP#s: #C011A 006 , #C011A 013 , #C011A 019 , #C011A 024 & #C011A 030 ,
#C011A 035, #C011A 043, #C011A 049 & #C011A 054
Owner/Applicant: Q Dorchester Holdings, LLC / Rivermoore Partners, LLC
D. COA# - PMAJ23-0060, PMAJ23-0061, PMAJ23-0019, PMAJ23-0062, PMAJ23-0063 & PMAJ23-0064
Request: Proposed architectural plan, The Silverstone, to be built on Lot #s 4, 11, 20, 26, 32 & 45 within the Dorchester Place Community
Locations: 5168, 5204, 5352, 5390, 5385 & 5303 King St.
TMP#s: #C011A 004 , #C011A 011, #C011A 020 , #C011A 026 & #C011A 032, #C011A & #C011A 045
Owner/Applicant: Q Dorchester Holdings, LLC / Rivermoore Partners, LLC
6. General Public Comments
7. Planning Manager Report
8. Discussion from Board
ADA Compliance: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities are required to contact the City Clerk at 770-385-2010 promptly to allow the City to make reasonable accommodations for those persons.

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