Shelter in Place Mandate as of March 25, 2020

On March 25, 2020, the Covington City Council adopted a resolution aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19. Highlights from the Resolution include:

March 26, 2020

A Shelter in Place mandate. Residents are required to shelter in place from midnight on March 25, 2020 to 11:59 p.m. on April 8, 2020.
All persons must maintain a minimum six-foot separation outside their home.


Essential travel is exempt from the Shelter in Place mandate. Essential travel includes travel to an essential business, to care for another person, for a health care need, to obtain or deliver necessary services or supplies, to engage in outdoor activity, to work at an essential business or to perform minimum basis operations at a business closed to the public.


All non-essential businesses must close. There are 22 categories of essential businesses. They are identified at Section 12(f) of the order. They include, for example, health care, grocery stores, pharmacies, stores that sell household consumer products, gas stations, auto repair, banks, hardware stores, household repair services, laundry service providers, restaurants (delivery or carry out only) and businesses that supply an essential business. All industrial manufacturers, delivery services, transportation services, home health, hotels/motels, childcare facilities and liquor stores are also considered essential. Closed businesses are still allowed to perform minimum basic operations but cannot be open to the public.


Public parks are closed as of midnight. This does not include walking trails or sidewalks.


Use the below lnk to read the resolution in its entirety. 



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