911-Center Employee Leads Blanket Drive for Pets
January 05, 2020
With winter here, 911-Center employee Hillary Wilder is collecting blankets and towels to donate to Newton County Animal Control.
If you are compelled to donate but can't physically drop anything off, NCAC has an Amazon Wish List if you would like to start off the New Year with a tax deduction. Mailing address is: 210 Lower River Rd, Covington, GA 30016 https://www.amazon.com/…/3CRJTIOZSC…/ref=bnav_topnav_lists_3
Hillary will be collecting towels and blankets through the end of January, so please consider donating to a great cause. You can drop items off at Fire Station 22 (located on Alcovy Rd.) or at City Hall (2194 Emory St).
Thanks, Hillary for your efforts coordinating this!
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