Wastewater Treatment

In the late 1970s, the Environmental Protection Division (EPD) mandated wastewater improvements through the Federal Clean Water Act. The Upper Ocmulgee River basin was targeted because of the nutrient loading affecting Jackson Lake. The primary nutrients of concern were nitrogen and phosphorous, each contributing to excessive lake algae. In response to these concerns, the City of Covington and the Newton County Water & Sewerage Authority considered the benefits of nutrient removal by irrigating their treated wastewater.

Through a joint venture, initial construction was completed in 1985 and a treatment capacity of 4.8 million gallons per day (MGD) covered 864 acres. After 20 years of successful operation and growth becoming an issue, the Land Application System (LAS) was then expanded to cover nearly 2,000 acres with a treatment capacity of 8.8 MGD.

Managed Area: 2,000 acres

Irrigated Area: 1,200 acres

Storage Ponds: Pond 1 (72 million gals.), Pond 2 (100 million gals.)

Distribution System: 100 miles of pipe and 9000 sprinklers

Pumping System: (2) 400 HP pumps

Buffer Zones: Soil Sensitive areas Streams, Ditches, Roads, Houses